Serving over 275 National Brands : Specialty Retail, Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Hotels, Offices, Auto Dealerships, Warehouses, Senior Living Facilities, Banks, Medical Clinics, Gyms, Hair Salons & More!
Experience Counts : ln business since 1926 we've weathered economic highs and lows before due to our Superior Customer Service and Strong Vendor Partnerships.
We have Dedicated Teams in Lighting Design (Including Controls & Switchgear), Lighting & Lamps for New Construction Account Management, Lamp Replacement with Online Location-Specific Web Order Guides, Lighting & Electrical Maintenance in the U.S.A, Canada, & Puerto Rico. Complete Energy-Retrofit Turnkey Projects with Materials, Labor & Rebate Administration!
Sustainability : If you want an energy-saving lighting plan with controls, that matches your aesthetic, is code-compliant, and is customized to meet your unique needs then look no further!